Stairlift Infill Box

An infill box is an extension to the Straight Stairlift that accommodates staircases with a quarter step or a single step either left or right. It is designed with simplicity in mind, aimed at lowering the cost of installing stairlifts where alterations might have been needed for the installation of a standard straight stairligt. It is a simple and safe solution to the common issue of staircases that have a step quarter landing, enabling the easy installation of a straight Stairlift and a low cost solution to your multi story mobility needs.

Stairlift Infill Box Installation

On the quarter landing at the top of the stairs, a further step is created. This is what is known as the Stairlift Infill box and acts to bring the top of the new step level with the landing. This means that the Stairlift can be taken to the top of the stairs and onto the landing, meaning the user can walk straight off the Stairlift infill box onto the landing itself (as opposed to having the final quarter step to climb).

This makes the Stairlift extremely safe to use and allows us to fit a straight Stairlift as opposed to the more expensive curved Stairlift, saving you a lot of money with a simple solution. When installing the Stairlift infill box the only alteration that needs to occur is a that a piece of carpet needs to be fixed to the stairlift infill box so that it matches up with the rest of the staircase. This is a very easy process to undergo to make sure your new stairlift and stairlift infill box fits in with your décor and doesn’t look out of place. This alteration will be made as part of your installation and will be carried out by our engineers who will be installing the straight stairlift at the same time.