Looking After An Elderly Or Disabled Relative
Caring for an elderly or disabled relative can be emotionally and physically challenging. One of the biggest restrictions for elderly and disabled loved ones is the limit of mobility. As a carer you will need to learn how to safely move and handle your relative without causing harm to them or you. The challenge of caring for an elderly or disabled relative may seem like an overwhelming task. But there is help at hand. Here is a brief guide to who and what can assist you in your caring duties.
Official Help
Caring for an elderly or disabled relative is not a challenge you have to face alone. The first thing you need to do is apply to your local council for a Carer’s Assessment which will assess your carer’s needs and a separate Community Care Assessment which will assess your relative’s needs. Social Services will provide support and help depending on your situation. Depending on your financial circumstances, you may also be eligible to claim a Carer’s Allowance.
Charities and Groups such as Age UK, The Carers Trust and the National CareLine offer support, advice and help for carers of elderly and disabled relatives. Helplines and local care centres are available for emotional support and friendship of other carers to help you cope.
Mobility Aids
The above groups and Social Services can also provide advice on mobility aids that can be installed such as, panic alarms, grip rails, non-slip shower bases and stairlifts.
Whether your relative is in their own home or in yours, if stairs are present, a stairlift is essential. A stairlift will not only save your back and prevent possible falls, but will also give your relative independence and autonomy, allowing them a great deal of mobility and the unnecessary need to restructure the house so that they should always remain downstairs. Independent Stairlifts have a range of stairlifts to suit your needs. We also offer advice and support in choosing the right stairlift for your situation and location. As well as straight stairlifts, we have curved stairlifts for large stairwells. Our outdoor stairlifts are weatherproof and durable for independence in the garden and outdoor areas.
No matter how large, small or tight your stairway is, Independent Stairlifts have the right solution for your mobility needs. Contact us today for a free quote or for further information on our range of stairlifts and mobility aids.